Christopher Talib a6549f5983 adding fun app
2019-11-11 09:07:28 +01:00

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Props stands for properties. A system for passing data from a parent component to a child component. The goal is to customize or configure the child component.

Props are objects so the fields have to be called as methods: for instance.

It is possible to use defaultProps to instantiate the default behaviour of a component.

  • In case of not a function type of error when passing props, you need to turn the props into an arrow function for this to work.

  • It is possible to refector elements of a props by destructuring the props, so:

const images = => {
        return <img key={} src={image.urls.regular} alt={image.description} />

would become:

const images =, urls, id) => {
    return <img key={id} src={urls.regular} alt={description} />

Functional components

Used anytime to show simple content to the user. (the card for example -- create JSX pass some props and return it).

Alternative writing:

const SearchBar = () => (

Class components

For complex content, respond to user input, network request. Can use the state input.

Class components are not classes in terms of Ruby or Python, they are a Javascript Class. They also must be extended to a subclass (react component). And they must define a render method that returns some amount of JSX.

When components are reloaded they are also reloading the child



  • Only usable with class components (not always true)
  • state =/= props
  • State is a JS object that contains data relevant to a component
  • Updating state on a component causes the component to almost instantly rerender
  • State must be initialized when a component is created
  • State can only be updated with the setState function

Video 61: refactorisation on state and constructors, you can remove the whole constructor by passing a state to the class. => what is the state in a react application? Code is passed to Babel and understand the code that is compiled and extends + implements the constructor function.

     constructor(props) {
         this.state = { lat: null, errorMessage: '' }
  • always try to have one statement in the render method, in case it isn't possible try to use a helper function with the complex cases and returning to the render method. see video 70

  • onInputChange: In that case:

    <input type="text" onChange={this.onInputChange}>

The function onInputChange is not called as a function (onInputChange()) but as a callback so the function is not run everytime the component is rendered but when the component is called. Other functions: onClick, onSubmit and onChange

  • replace handlers by arrow functions, insead of:
    <input type="text" onChange={this.onInputChange}>

you get:

    <input type="text" onChange={(e) => console.log(}>

React Ref

  • gives you direct access to DOM elements
  • we create refs in the constructor, asssigne them to instance variables and then pass to a particular JSX element as props
  constructor(props) {

        this.imageRef = React.createRef()


  • state management library
  • makes creating complex application easier
  • not required to create a react app
  • not explicitly designed to work with React
  • the redux cycle:
    • action creator
    • action
    • dispatch
    • reducers
    • state