Christopher Talib 84e4937f85 Major version update
This new work implements the server and the loader in two different
binaries allowing the code while updating the IOC list.

It updates also the documentation to reflect the new changes.
2020-08-24 17:20:07 +02:00

208 lines
3.1 KiB

package graph
import (
func ConnectToDgraph(setupSchema bool) (*dgo.Dgraph, error) {
conn, err := grpc.Dial("localhost:9080", grpc.WithInsecure())
if err != nil {
return nil, err
dgraphClient := dgo.NewDgraphClient(api.NewDgraphClient(conn))
if setupSchema {
err = setupDgraphSchema(dgraphClient)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return dgraphClient, nil
func setupDgraphSchema(c *dgo.Dgraph) error {
// err := c.Alter(context.Background(), &api.Operation{
// DropAll: true,
// })
// if err != nil {
// return err
// }
err := c.Alter(context.Background(), &api.Operation{
Schema: `
id: string @index(exact, term) .
type: string @index(term) .
ndata: string .
nodeOne: uid .
nodeTwo: uid .
subNode: uid .
sourceName: string @index(term) .
timestamp: string .
created: string .
modified: string .
certNode: uid .
shodanNode: uid .
pasteNode: uid .
match: uid .
type Node {
id: string
type: string
ndata: string
created: string
modified: string
certNode: CertNode
shodanNode: ShodanNode
pasteNode: PasteNode
match: Match
nodes: [uid] .
target: string @index(term) .
type Match {
id: string
nodes: Node
timestamp: string
target: string
type Edge {
id: string
nodeOne: uid
nodeTwo: uid
timestamp: string
sourceName: string
fingerprint: string @index(exact, term) .
notBefore: string .
notAfter: string .
cn: string @index(term) .
sourceName: string @index(term) .
serialNumber: string @index(term) .
basicConstraints: string .
chain: [uid].
raw: uid .
type CertNode {
id: string
fingerprint: string
notBefore: string
notAfter: string
cn: string
sourceName: string
serialNumber: string
basicConstraints: string
raw: CertRaw
chain: CertNode
type CertRaw {
id: string
type: string
created: string
modified: string
hostData: uid .
type ShodanNode {
id: string
type: string
created: string
modified: string
hostData: uid
product: string @index(term) .
hostnames: [string] @index(term) .
version: string .
title: string @index(term) .
ip: string @index(term) .
os: string .
organization: string @index(term) .
isp: string .
cpe: [string] .
asn: string .
port: int .
html: string .
banner: string .
transport: string .
domains: [string] .
timestamp: string .
type Hostdata {
product: string
hostnames: [string]
version: string
title: string
ip: string
os: string
organization: string
isp: string
cpe: [string]
asn: string
port: int
html: string
banner: string
transport: string
domains: [string]
timestamp: string
fullPaste: uid .
meta: uid .
full: string @index(term) .
scrape_url: string .
full_url: string .
date: string .
key: string .
size: string .
expire: string .
title: string @index(term) .
syntax: string .
user: string @index(term) .
type PasteMeta {
scrape_url: string
full_url: string
date: string
key: string
size: string
expire: string
title: string
syntax: string
user: string
type FullPaste {
meta: PasteMeta
full: string
type: string
type PasteNode {
id: string
type: string
created: string
modified: string
fullPaste: FullPaste
if err != nil {
return err
return nil