# Styx ## What are we trying to solve Styx is the passive sibling of Vader. When Vader allows users to get "on-demand" data from connectors, Styx will just ingest streams and streams of data. Styx will find things when they are happening on the contrary of retro-hunting, Styx find patterns in the current events and flags them on the spot. It's not retro-hunting, it's present-hunting or even future-hunting as we hope to find actors movement when they happen. ## Prerequisites Styx uses a couple of other services to run: * Kafka for messaging (not implemented yet in the docker, but currently not necessary) * Dgraph for graph representation of results * Docker-compose to launch everything For that purposes, there is a `docker-compose.yml` file that you can spin up with the following command when in the directory: ```sh docker-compose up -d ``` *Note*: for some reasons, OpenVPN blocks the establishment of the docker compose, you can alternatively run Dgraph manually as such: ```sh docker run --rm -it -p 8080:8080 -p 9080:9080 -p 8000:8000 -v ~/dgraph:/dgraph dgraph/standalone:v20.03.0 ``` ## Install ```sh go get -u gitlab.dcso.lolcat/LABS/styx cd $GOPATH/src/gitlab.dcso.lolcat/LABS/styx go build gitlab.dcso.lolcat/LABS/styx/cmd/styxd docker-compose up -d # or the other docker command ./styxd # build the loader helper binary go build gitlab.dcso.lolcat/LABS/styx/cmd/iocloader # update the IOC list while the programm is already running ./iocloader ``` *Note*: if you have issues with the docker compose, make sure it runs on the same subnet. Check [this](https://serverfault.com/questions/916941/configuring-docker-to-not-use-the-172-17-0-0-range) for inspiration. ### Example configuration: *Note*: For Pastebin, you will have to authorise your IP address when you login through the web interface. ``` certstream: activated: true pastebin: activated: true shodan: activated: true key: "SHODAN_KEY" ports: - 80 - 443 ``` ## Dgraph Interface You can connect to the Dgraph interface at this default address: http://localhost:8000. There you would be able to run GraphQL+ queries, here to query a node. ```graphql query { Node(func: eq(uid, 0x23)) { uid ndata modified type id } } ``` Or filter node by type, this example works for certstream nodes: ```graphql query { Node(func: eq(type, "certstream")) { uid created modified type ndata certNode { uid fingerprint cn raw { uid id } chain { uid id } sourceName serialNumber basicConstrains notBefore notAfter } } } ``` Example query for pastebin data: ```graphql query { Node(func: eq(type, "pastebin")) { uid created modified type ndata pasteNode { id type created modified fullPaste { full meta { full_url size expire title syntax user scrape_url date key } } } } } ``` Dgraph also supports full text search, so you can query things like: ```graphql query { Node(func: allofterms(full, "code")) { uid created modified type full } } ``` The following fields have can be used as index for searches: * id * type * sourceName * cn * serialNumber * hostnames * organization * full (full text of a pastbin) * title * user By design, each node has a `type` field so you know which field you should query each time you query something. ## Datastructure ### Meta Edges provide an existing relation between two nodes of different origin. They are part of Dgraph features. Node --[Edge]-- Node ```go type Node struct { ID string `json:"id"` Type string `json:"type"` Data string `json:"data"` // For plain Node, the data is the ID of another typed node or a unique value like a domain or a host name. Created string `json:"created"` Modified string `json:"modified"` } // Edge defines a relation between two nodes. type Edge struct { ID string `json:"id"` NodeOneID string `json:"nodeOneID"` NodeTwoID string `json:"nodeTwoID"` Timestamp string `json:"timestamp"` Source string `json:"source"` } ``` ### Certstream Node -- CertNode -- CertStreamRaw ```go // CertStreamRaw is a wrapper around the stream function to unmarshall the // data receive in a Go structure. type CertStreamRaw struct { ID string `json:"id"` Type string `json:"type"` Data CertStreamStruct `json:"data"` Created string `json:"created"` Modified string `json:"modified"` } // CertNode represents our custom struct of data extraction from CertStream. type CertNode struct { ID string `json:"id"` Fingerprint string `json:"fingerprint"` NotBefore string `json:"notBefore"` NotAfter string `json:"notAfter"` CN string `json:"cn"` SourceName string `json:"sourceName"` SerialNumber string `json:"serialNumber"` BasicConstraints string `json:"basicConstraints"` RawUUID string `json:"rawUUID"` Chain []CertNode `json:"chainedTo"` } ``` ### Pastebin Node -- PasteNode -- FullPaste ```go // PasteNode is a node from PasteBin. type PasteNode struct { ID string `json:"id"` Type string `json:"type"` Data FullPaste `json:"data"` Created string `json:"create"` Modified string `json:"modified"` } // FullPaste wrapes meta and information from Pastebin. type FullPaste struct { Meta PasteMeta `json:"meta"` Full string `json:"full"` Type string `json:"type"` } ``` ### Shodan Node -- ShodanNode -- Node(s) (hostnames and domains) ```go type ShodanNode struct { ID string `json:"id"` Type string `json:"type"` Data *shodan.HostData `json:"data"` Created string `json:"created"` Modified string `json:"modified"` } ``` ### Balboa (not in Dgraph yet) Balboa enrichment happens on domains and hostnames extracted from Certstream and Shodan streams and the node is created only if Balboa returns data. Node -- ShodanNode -- Node (domain) -- BalboaNode ```go type BalboaNode struct { ID string `json:"id"` Type string `json:"type"` Data []balboa.Entries `json:"data"` Created string `json:"created"` Modified string `json:"modified"` } ```