# Introduction The command line interface is run in a terminal (or prompt). It is the direct interface with your computer. There you are able to do the same things are you are able in a graphic interface such as visiting a folder, reading and writing files. But the command line interface allows you access to a number of other programs which are really useful in a developer's every day life or while participating in CTFs. You should not be an expert, but with little knowledge of the command line you will already be able to do a number of things faster and quicker. Terminals in Linux and OSX are quite similar, if you run Windows, things are a bit different. ## Understanding paths TODO ## Basic command line * List the files in the current folder: `ls` * See where you are: `pwd` * See who you are: `whoami` * Go in a folder: `cd INSERT_HERE_THE_NAME_OF_YOUR_FOLDER` * Go in the parent folder: `cd ..` * Go to your home directory: `cd ~` or `cd` * Print a file in the terminal: `cat THE_NAME_OF_YOUR_FILE` * Copy a file: `cp YOUR_FILE YOUR_DESTINATION` ## Run programs in command line TODO