Adding Ceasar and Vigenere easy challenge + starting to work on tutorials

This commit is contained in:
Christopher Talib 2019-05-08 17:51:57 +02:00
parent 72194256cb
commit 72146ead29
8 changed files with 38 additions and 0 deletions

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# Ceasar
Description: Julius Ceasar was a smart man.
Lq fubswrjudskb, d Fdhvdu flskhu, lv rqh ri wkh vlpsohvw dqg prvw zlghob nqrzq hqfubswlrq whfkqltxhv. Lw lv d wbsh ri vxevwlwxwlrq flskhu lq zklfk hdfk ohwwhu lq wkh sodlqwhaw lv uhsodfhg eb d ohwwhu vrph ilahg qxpehu ri srvlwlrqv grzq wkh doskdehw. Iru hadpsoh, zlwk d ohiw vkliw ri 3, G zrxog eh uhsodfhg eb D, H zrxog ehfrph E, dqg vr rq. Wkh phwkrg lv qdphg diwhu Mxolxv Fdhvdu, zkr xvhg lw lq klv sulydwh fruuhvsrqghqfh. Eb wkh zdb, khuh lv brxu iodj: {iodj_DyhFhdvdu}

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# Vigenere
Description: Ceasar is too easy, things should be more complicated.
Gwxiz mgwpu jsysi wdb gqrx, tsiakggikym ijmcmjgdvm iymk, wzl js rmlwhwj xrqgsm qtgvhzhpvz yg prfjzk ig hfpjzk qnkee vtouhe. {wpvo_KrpvptoqurVwTsjt}

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tutorials/ Normal file
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tutorials/ Normal file
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# Introduction
The command line interface is run in a terminal (or prompt). It is the direct interface with your computer. There you are able to do the same things are you are able in a graphic interface such as visiting a folder, reading and writing files.
But the command line interface allows you access to a number of other programs which are really useful in a developer's every day life or while participating in CTFs. You should not be an expert, but with little knowledge of the command line you will already be able to do a number of things faster and quicker.
Terminals in Linux and OSX are quite similar, if you run Windows, things are a bit different.
## Understanding paths
## Basic command line
* List the files in the current folder: `ls`
* See where you are: `pwd`
* See who you are: `whoami`
* Go in the parent folder: `cd ..`
* Go to your home directory: `cd ~` or `cd`
* Print a file in the terminal: `cat THE_NAME_OF_YOUR_FILE`
## Run programs in command line

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tutorials/ Normal file
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